Sonntag, 23. Juni 2024

New Song On Sunday


A brief summary after a week of European Championship football on television. Many teams have not convinced me and delivered the performances that they undoubtedly have. Only Spain impressed me with the way they played football. The Scottish fans are an enrichment and, no matter which city they were in, represented their home country in an inimitable way. Chapeau. As the fans will be arriving in Stuttgart today, I will be on my way in the late morning to welcome them to our city. 

Today's song is from Water Still Flows, the new album by Nashville's ambient explorer Rich Ruth. Still based on mesmerizing loops, he complements his cosmic music with a heavier guitar sound, electronic drones and occasionally interrupts his flow with fragments of free jazz. I think this is another album not easy to listen but with so many ideas inside that it could get a hidden gem.

3 Kommentare:

Charity Chic hat gesagt…

We need a win after having been well beaten by your boys Walter!

JC hat gesagt…

Have a great day, Walter......I hope you do manage to meet up with at lest one of the Scotland fans who is know to the blogging fraternity, and if so, I look forward to hearing all about it.

Walter hat gesagt…

Hi Jim, yes it happened. I am happy to spent the afternoon with Aldo and all the lads. I could show them some real fine places to spent time fulled with conversations. An unforgettable day in my live.