Sonntag, 2. Juni 2024

New Song On Sunday


Yesterday evening I watched the Champions League final between Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund together with a few huge Dortmund supporters and once again I had to face the fact that Madrid couldn't loose a final game. Dortmund was for a long time the better team and had chances galore but as always Madrid needs one chance to make a goal and win the game. Later this evening when being at home I listened to Frog In Boiling Water the new album by Brooklyn's four piece band DIIV. They returned after personal problems and drug abuse with an album I didn't expected this way. They have said goodbye to their sound of distorted hardcore and borrowings from rap and turned to more melancholic sounds. The result is a powerful work of dark dreampop, post-rock carpets and lulling shoegaze. Not new but their songs are fresh and far above the average.

1 Kommentar:

Khayem hat gesagt…

Commiserations on the Champions League outcome, Walter, but thanks for the music. For a moment, I wondered if it might be a cover or Roni Size Reprazent's drum 'n' bass classic. It's not but it does not disappoint.