Sonntag, 16. Juni 2024

New Song On Sunday


I couldn't imagine that my employer would give me so much work to do in my last weeks before I retire and that I would have to finalize projects. I also had to deal with a lot of correspondence with the pension fund in order to fulfill the formal requirements for my pension. For this reason, and because I couldn't muster the time, I decided to take a break from updating this blog last week. Last Friday, as usual, I had a look through the new releases of the week to see if anything had been published that was worth mentioning. The only thing that stuck in my mind was the release of Come Undone, the latest release by Glasgow's Walt Disco. Their music is more than retro and is orientated towards the best times of David Bowie, Roxy Music,Talking Heads and glam-pop, who try to bring their music to the dance floor. Surely not groundbreaking but good and a journey back to these days.

1 Kommentar:

Khayem hat gesagt…

Walt Disco were supporting O.M.D. on their recent tour but unfortunately Mrs. K and I couldn't get to the venue in time to see their set. As you say, nothing groundbreaking (yet, at least) but they wear their influences well.