Mittwoch, 26. Juni 2024



It was back in spring 1998 when a Gravelands by King was released and turned into the album that was played in almost every pub in my town. It's clever that an Irish postman came up with the idea of reinterpreting classics from the last few decades by laying a sonorous Elvis Presley voice over the classic song structures. It is of course perfectly legitimate to condemn this seemingly cheap concept of reinterpreting well-known world hits in this way, but for sentimental minds with a secret penchant for schmaltzy romanticism, this is a real treat. The initial euphoria of hearing classics in a new guise was fascinating at first, but quickly lost its lustre. Despite everything, it's an album that I enjoy listening to from time to time - even if it's just to hear these old songs again.

2 Kommentare:

Khayem hat gesagt…

Thanks, Walter. I remember this coming out but I don't think I've actually heard any of the songs before now.

Blockbuster was my favourite, although I don't think I'll be revisiting any of them often. Thanks for sharing!

JC hat gesagt…

I had no idea this existed!!!!! Not being a fan of Elvis P, I can't say I'd have found it appealing, but the idea and concept is rather brilliant, albeit I can fully get why, as you say, it would quickly lose its lustre.