Donnerstag, 7. April 2022

Cool Kids Of Death


Tiger Bay was the third album by Saint Etienne an indie-dance band from London released in 1994. I have to admit that I always liked them because they their name not only was lent by French football team AS Saint Etienne that had their best times in the mid 70's when they played in the pre Champions League and lost the final in Glasgow unfortunately against Bayern München. The main thing about the band was that they were able to combine different kind of genres like folk, rock, dance club music into their very own sound. Their debut Foxbase Alpha from 1991 was a groundbreaking record for me, introducing this sound to my ears. Their third album Tiger Bay three years later is an underrated album in fact of following albums by artists that made great first records their following albums bear the fate of repeating the same once again. But listening to this album I think there are so many great songs on it that are worth to be listened to decades later. Cool Kids Of Death by the remix of Underworld shows once again that their songs are so good and worth to be remixed.

Saint Etienne - Cool Kids of Death (Underworld Remix)

3 Kommentare:

TheRobster hat gesagt…

Can't fault Saint Etienne, always good no matter the time, place, weather or mood.

I take it you're not much of a Bayern fan then, Walter... ;-)

Walter hat gesagt…

I never was and will not be a fan of this team

JC hat gesagt…

I remember that final very well. I still think if Rocheteau of Saint Etienne had been fit to play that night, the result would have been different.