Samstag, 27. Juli 2024

I'm Free


After talking about it a lot, I had my last day at work yesterday and officially retired today. I had ambivalent feelings about saying goodbye to longstanding colleagues and knowing that I probably won't see many of them again. Next, I will try to bring a new structure to my daily routine and put everything I plan to do into practice. I can't explain why I came up with these songs about freedom, especially as I've never felt trapped. Maybe just because they are good songs.

7 Kommentare:

Ernie Goggins hat gesagt…

Congratulations Walter. I am very envious.

Charity Chic hat gesagt…

Welcome to the club Walter!

Swiss Adam hat gesagt…

Congratulations Walter- like Ernie, I'm fairly envious

Rol hat gesagt…

Best wishes for your retirement, Walter.

Khayem hat gesagt…

Congratulations, Walter, now the fun really begins! And thank you for the great music selection, especially the Dexys song.

Dirk hat gesagt…

Walter - alles Gute auch von mir, genieße die freie Zeit. Bei mir dauert es leider noch ein paar Jährchen, fürchte ich ...

JC hat gesagt…

Congratulations Walter!

I did it four years ago, and while I sometimes miss some (but not all) of the people I used to work with, I have no regrets. You will be a happier and more relaxed person from now on. And hopefully you will have time to come over to Scotland for a short would be great to see you again.