Sonntag, 21. Juli 2024

New Song On Sunday


Leeds has always been a melting pot for rock groups of all kinds and is unique in its own way. Gang of Four, The Mekons, Wedding Present and Soft Cell have made history with their music. Whether English Teacher will succeed in doing the same is not certain, but given their talent, not unlikely. The band is fronted by Lily Fontaine, a magnetic vocalist who infuses her guitar music with influences ranging from post-punk to 80's indie pop and beyond. She doesn't sing her songs, but it's a kind of chanting that also suits her ambitious lyrics. Sometimes it seems like Dry Cleaning have extended their material. The centrepiece is Mastermind Specialism, a dreamy piece of folk with mumbled indie-pop that, once heard, never lets go.

But the fact remains that English Teacher revitalize post-punk, indie-rock/pop with strong guitars and bass lines. An album that is sure to appear on a year-end list.

1 Kommentar:

JC hat gesagt…

I bought this one a few weeks ago, mainly on the fact it was getting loads of rave reviews, and it seemed as if it had been a long time since I bought an album without knowing what to fully expect.

I have to admit it took me a few listens to fully appreciate it, but overall, I'm pleased to have a copy.