Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024

Uncollected Noise


When I was recently clearing out my inbox of adverts for new records, I came across the announcement of a new album by Galaxie 500. A band from Boston that was active at the end of the 80s and released a little masterpiece with On Fire. The synthesis of the slightly distorted strummed electric guitars, Wareham's soft vocals, which lead into a high head voice and the accentuating drums, represents something unique in its form. The melancholic tone underpins the sound perfectly. I've always liked this high school sound, reminiscent of Johnathan Richman and the Velvet Underground, ever since this record was recommended to me by the owner of my local record shop

After the band split up three decades ago, Galaxie 500 are releasing a double album with outtakes and other unreleased material in a few weeks. With the songs now released, they show that power-pop and jangly guitars are also part of their repertoire. 

Maybe it's just sentimental to hear this music again, but why shouldn't good music be heard? Even if it only makes you listen to and enjoy the old albums again.

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