Freitag, 19. Juli 2024



Over the last few days I have found time to tidy up my computer, delete unnecessary stuff and back up my data. In the process, I came across a file that I had bought some time ago and had almost forgotten about. This is the debut album from Ultramarine, Folk. Ultramarine are Ian Cooper and Paul Hammond, together an electronic duo from Essex. Formed in 1990 and heavily influenced by the factory sound, they added elements of techno, house and ambient and complemented these with jazzy horns to create a unique sound. In their best moments, you think Happy Mondays have taken the wrong pills and are testing out funk-jazz.

Ultramarine - Antiseptic

1 Kommentar:

JC hat gesagt…

'Over the last few days I have found time to tidy up my computer, delete unnecessary stuff and back up my data.'

I really need to do the same!

And yup, Ultramarine are one of many I've long forgotten about. Great stuff.