Sonntag, 15. September 2024

New Song On Sunday


For some time now, Wunderhorse, a British rock band, and their second album Midas have been haunting all the music magazines. At first I thought, well, this will probably be the next hype to popularize a band. 

Despite all my reservations, I listened to their new album and have to admit that the words of praise are not entirely unjustified. The mixture of simple guitar riffs, which are reminiscent of Pearl Jam in the broadest sense, and a sound that is somewhere close to Fontaine's D.C. and Americana, is really enjoyable. 

Why Wunderhorse named their album after the Turkish king who became famous for his greed and stupidity (he was given the gift by a god that everything he touched would turn to gold. He realized his mistake after he also touched his food and his daughter, which also turned to gold). This album is not gold, but neither is lead. A solid and good work - and that's something not everyone can do.

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