Montag, 2. September 2024

Monday's Long Song


Last week The Residents, a band that isn't everyone's cup of tea, were featured over at The (new) Vinyl Villan. The history of the Residents is full of self-created myths and nobody knows exactly how long they have been active in the music scene. Most sources date their formation to the late 60s or early 70s. To me they have always been a performing art band of some sort, playing bizarre versions of classics from music history at regular intervals. They often shredded the songs beyond recognition and reassembled them.

That's exactly what they did with a song by Hank Williams. They turned a good country song into a pounding industrial monster that was to become a defining feature of the post-punk sound. Years later, various remixes were created that were to become a permanent fixture on Ibiza's dancefloors.

The Residents - Kaw Liga

1 Kommentar:

JC hat gesagt…

Thanks for the mention! The piece on The Residents was courtesy of a guest, Fraser Pettigrew, who lives in New Zealand but recalls seeing the group in Edinburgh many years ago. They are not a group I know much about, but this song you've featured today is intriguing.