Dienstag, 6. August 2024

Feats Don't Fail Me Now


In August 1974 Little Feat released their fourth album Feats Don't Fail Me Now. It wasn't their best one but I still remember the day when I bought it. From 1979, I had to do my military service for 15 months. One day when I was at home for weekend the news arrived that one of the oldest discotheques in our town will close down and they will sell all of them records. The location was more a pub than a discotheque were me and a friend often went to because they didn't mind to sell beer to teenagers like us and they had a turntable where they played music. This place was heavily frequented by American soldiers and late hippies and we were introduced to psychedelic rock, funk and soul. It was the first time I listened to James Brown, Marvin Gaye and The Temptations on the one side and to Little Feat and comparable bands. The pub had a bad reputation because it was known as a marijuana distribution centre. And so I experienced more than one raid by the American military police. Nevertheless, it was a meeting place for us youngsters and I have seen older friends taking pictures, chairs and glasses as souvenirs with tears in their eyes on the last day. Amongst other albums, I was also able to purchase the Little Feat album, which I still enjoy listening to today, along with sentimental feelings.

Little Feat - Feats Don't Fail Me Now

Little Feat - Skin It Back

Little Feat - Spanish Moon

Little Feat - Oh Atlanta

2 Kommentare:

Ernie Goggins hat gesagt…

Sounds like quite a place. Great album as well.

Charity Chic hat gesagt…

As Ernie said