Mittwoch, 12. März 2025

Singles Released This Week Years Ago


1966: The Bobby Fuller Four was a short time existing rock and roll band. Their legacy is that they first brought Sonny Curtis song to the charts.

1970: CSN&Y released Joni Mitchel's Woodstock a swan song to an era

1965: For me, Donovan always seemed to be poor man's Dylan, but this song is beautiful.

1985: Dream Academy, a small one hit wonder appeared with a with a melancholy tribute to their youth.

1966: The Byrds got success with a cover by Bob Dylan.

1974: Steve Wonder released on of his best records.

1983: David Bowie's album Let's Dance when me and a couple of friends made a short trip to France.

1986: Robert Palmer - just because of the video.

1889: Heart made probably the best song about a one night stand.

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