Another journey through releases of songs that made me fun listening again.
1970: Detroit rock and blues band Rare Earth released a cover version of Temptations hit Get Ready. Although the single is pretty good I prefer their long version.
1981: Vince Clarke prepared the sound of electronic pop music with Depeche Mode. I Just Can't Enough was the first of many upcoming melodic hymns.
1987: Prince released his best album for me with a statement of what was going on these days.
1991: REM release Losing My Religion, not their best song but the one that made them super stars.
1984: Bananarama was probably the first British girl band that brought us in the 80'sna lot of classic pop songs like this.
1980: Squeeze should be named if someone asks for a band formed in the post-punk days and later turned into pop-rock hymns.
1973: Bruce Springsteen released his debut and Blinded By The Light was one of his early highlights of the great storyteller.
1979: From the ashes of the latest pub-rock band The Motors Bram Tchaikovsky showed how great power-pop could be.
1979: It takes a lot of chutzpah to record cover versions of soul classics at a time when music was in upheaval. But the two comedians Aykroyd and Belushi did it very well.
1980: Atomic by Blondie is too good to remain unmentioned here.
1 Kommentar:
I mentioned Bananarama when I commented on yesterday's post. Good to see you are a fan!
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