Everybody's talking nowadays about the forecoming end of our planets. Even the local papers edit a eight side extra in their dayly newspaper about what would happen or not. We also discussed about it and what different websites will tell us. I think it is another hype - remember what they told us at the end of the last century. And what happend - nothing. The only things that happend, was that my team won the german championship in football and played in the Champions leage. Also positive was, that the new century brougt us some real good music and opend my ears to new sounds.
So people - what ever will happen: it is a good reason to have a party to watch the forecoming day.
Have fun, enjoy some drinks - I'll go to the beach, get us some drinks and listen to some music I burned while I wrote this post. Cheers
Sons and Daughters - Dance me in
Joe Strummer - Get down Moses
PS: Could this be the soundtrack for the end of the world as we know it?
I'm four and a half hour ahead - I let you know, when something happens
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