Sonntag, 25. August 2024

New Song On Sunday


I have always had great respect for artists who get involved in social projects, even if this rarely results in anything great musically. Some time ago, Massive Attack and Edinburgh's Young Father joined forces and released ceasfire together with Fontaine's D.C.. An EP on which all proceeds are to be donated to Doctors Without Frontiers, a worldwide association of doctors who alleviate the greatest need in the current crisis and war zones. Musically, the result is a trip-hop track that I wouldn't have expected. Piano chords break through the slow groove of Give, where spoken words take centre stage. The song, which could easily have been written by Sault, is convincing and had me pressing the play button again and again.

1 Kommentar:

Khayem hat gesagt…

Great choice, Walter. I'm heading off in a couple of hours to see Massive Attack play their first hometown gig in 5 years. It's only the second time I've seen them, the first time twenty years ago this month. I may have several days' worth of posts to blog about on the back of this!