Donnerstag, 22. August 2024



Last year Sean Dickson aka HiFi Sean and David McAlmont surprised with Heavy Ending a bunch of electronic pop beauties. Now they are rapidly back with another album and the next one is planed to release next winter. People say that the second album is more different if the first on is critical acclaimed. To avoid standing still and repeating themselves, both have developed their style further by incorporating elements of 90's house, synth-pop, gospel and soul into a sugary sweet sound. Above all, however, is McAlmont's soulful voice, which never makes a song seem boring. A good album on which they show that they are far more than just poor man's Pet Shop Boys.

1 Kommentar:

JC hat gesagt…

I have, just this very day, finally picked up my copy of the album (on orange vinyl, no less!!!). Looking forward to playing it.