Montag, 5. August 2024

Monday's Long Song


Our house has been covered in scaffolding for a few weeks now, as the façade and the wooden window frames need to be replaced. I admire the guys who have to do this hard physical labour in temperatures of well over 30 degrees Celsius. To make it easier for them, they listen to music from a portable player while they work. I would have expected to have to listen to a lot of mainstream music and was surprised to hear harder sounds from the scaffolding. As well as Pavement, they also played a song by TRAAMS, an indie rock band from West Sussex, active since more than ten years. Their musical influences reach from early Television to the motorik beats of Kraftwerk. A House On Fire is a nearly nine minutes tour de force of highstrung beat, pounding bass and simple guitar riffs that takes a leading guitar to excursions and feedbacks.

TRAAMS - A House On Fire

1 Kommentar:

Charity Chic hat gesagt…

I would be panic if they were playing A House on Fire!