Donnerstag, 8. August 2024

Montezuma's Revenge


Montezuma's revenge [named after the Aztec ruler Montezuma II, who was killed by the Spanish around 1466-1520], is a traveller's diarrhoea and a curse of the Aztec ruler as revenge that all those who travel through South America are said to suffer. Montezuma's revenge is also a German music band by Christian Panneburg and Jan Schulte active since about ten years. In 2016 they had a collaboration with krautrock guitarist Dominik Von Senger and they released a self titled EP. The result is nothing more than a forgotten gem of Can inspired motorik beats, with dubby bass and psychedelic guitar licks by Von Senger. 

Montezumas Revenge & Dominik Von Senger - Guten Morgen Bromio

Montezumas Revenge & Dominik Von Senger - Tangerine

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