Freitag, 16. August 2024

A Firmer Hand


Hamish Hawk was one of the discoveries of the last few years when he released two excellent albums. Today he is releasing his new album and after listening to it for the first time, it can be said that he has once again delivered an album that is far above the average for singer-songwriters. Hawk has always had a penchant for dark and personal songs and continues to do so, moving more into the indie-rock vein in some songs. He also doesn't shy away from the dance floor in Big Cat Tattoos, which reminds me of Heaven 17 from the 80's. All in all, an album that is varied and catchy at the same time and will definitely be on my year-end list.

2 Kommentare:

Charity Chic hat gesagt…

I am vaguely aware of him
Someone I need to check out

JC hat gesagt…

Was very fortunate to see him twice last year - once in a small club in Berlin and then at a triumphant sold-out home gig at Glasgow Barrowlands. I'm thoroughly enjoying his latest album and looking forward to seeing him again in three weeks time.