Freitag, 9. August 2024

Thin Air


It is always worth to give a listen to a new release by Bristol Archive Records. They are known as the label that features various Bristol music from the 80's and their compilations of Bristol punk, new wave and reggae were extraordinary great and shows what a vibrant scene there was. From time to time they also release records by solo artists. This happened yesterday once again when they released a retrospective by Thin Air, a band that was originally featured on a mod sampler by BAR a few years ago. And it is another gem of a forgotten band. Thin Air stand in the tradition of mod and power pop. Formed in 1982 they only existed a few years but the song writing talent of the leader Paul Sandrone was far over the average and could be compared to Paul Weller or Elvis Costello. I can't understand why they didn't got big because many of their songs are ace and many of other bands would die for.

1 Kommentar:

Ernie Goggins hat gesagt…

Thanks Walter. As you say, anything put out by Bristol Archive Records is worth checking out.