Montag, 29. Juli 2024

Monday's Long Song


Vini Reilly aka The Durutti Column were always a band to which I have always felt drawn. He was around in 1978 when Tony Wilson formed the first post-punk band to sign for Factory Records. He was also there when the great Manchester bands where on their peak. There was music galore around but his music was always different to them all. Mostly instrumentals with his guitar and a lot of reverb, sometimes added by a piano. In 1989 he released an album called Vini Reilly and listening to it for the first time I thought now he's got educated. The songs were more composed and included more piano passages and some kind of vocals in the back. It is different but for me a classic album from the late 80's.

The Durutti Column - Finding The Sea

1 Kommentar:

Ernie Goggins hat gesagt…

You don't need to get up so early any more Walter, have a lie-in.