Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024

Famous Covers And The Original


Tim Hardin was an American folk and blues songwriter and mostly known as the composer of hits other people had. His first albums from 1966 to 1969 contained so many classic songs like no other songwriter released in these days. His records were critically acclaimed and he reached his climate when he played at Woodstock festival. Like many others of this era he turned into drugs, got rid of them and fall back again and died in December 1980 on an overdose Heroin in Los Angeles. His legacy were a lot of songs about love and hope with intensive lyrics and melodies other would kill for. I played his record The Homecoming Concert the other days again and thought I should give him a place at this little place in the internet.

You can listen to his last album in full length and see that he was in a good condition for singing his songs live for the last time.

1 Kommentar:

Ernie Goggins hat gesagt…

A fine selection