Montag, 22. Juli 2024

Monday's Long Song


Let's have a trip today back into 1967 to San Francisco. The streets are filled with hippies and flower-power and psychedelic rock music reached it's peak. Of course I was too young to join these music and scene in these days but older friends introduced me to this in the early 70's. In these days I moved from glam rock and made first experiences in hard rock. Deep Purple was one of the most popular in these days and Child In Time was played all over. Years later I recognized, that the intro was stolen from Bombay Calling, a song from the debut album by It's A Beautiful Day. IABD were from San Francisco and more or less successful with their folky psychedelic sound. They were named as poor men's Jefferson Airplane was ihrer Musik in keinster Weise gerecht wurde. Während Jefferson Airplane which in no way did justice to their music. While Jefferson Airplane lived mainly from the voice of Grace Slick and the lead guitar of Jorma Kaukonen, IABD went the way of using the violin of David LaFlamme as lead instrument. The result was their biggest success White Bird, a trademark of their sound and an early blueprint of the upcoming prog-rock.

It's A Beautiful Day - White Bird

1 Kommentar:

JC hat gesagt…

I have never knowingly heard this song before, Walter. And yet, it sounds familiar!!! It's maybe part of my deep sub-conscious as an infant!!!