Samstag, 20. Juli 2024

Levitation Dub


Another obscure record by Höga Nord Records, Gothenburg's fine record label. Cosmic Music For Higher And Lower Awareness by The Idealist is one of those albums that you can't believe on first listen. Right from the start, it sounds like many other albums that offer their variations on a reduced acid house beat. What makes this work different is that The Idealist develop a hypnotic groove that slowly ingratiates itself and doesn't want to leave your head. I can't tell whose behind this band but suppose that it will be some folks from Sweden. Not only because Goran Kajfe plays an extraordinary trumpet on Levitation Dub a song that could be played by any voodoo ceremony. Deep, dark and mysterious and surly one of the strangest good songs from this year.

1 Kommentar:

Swiss Adam hat gesagt…

Not got round to listening to this until just now, excellent stuff.