Dienstag, 28. Januar 2020

Purchased Because Of The Cover

Bildergebnis für roxy music for your pleasure album

In 1973 Roxy Music released their second album For Your Pleasure and another album with a great artwork. As known from their first album another model on the cover. What makes this cover special was the artwork with Brian Ferry's then girlfriend Amanda Lear in front of a skyline at night with a black panther at the leach. I knew Roxy Music from their debut and I bought this album without listening to one song. The music is different to their debut and only Do The Strand is like their first successful appearance. Now they had more time and equipment to create a sound that was included by Can and the slower songs are radical new and far away what they called a song in these days.

Roxy Music - Do The Strand
Roxy Music - The Bogus Man
Roxy Music - For Your Pleasure

1 Kommentar:

JC hat gesagt…

I am guessing this was not the only Roxy Music album purchased because of the cover !!!