Sonntag, 8. September 2024

New Song On Sunday


My inbox almost overflowed when emails arrived on bandcamp friday. I haven't yet got round to sifting through all the interesting ones and deleting the unimportant ones. One release has stood out as it's new material from John Bryden aka Eyes Of Others whose last year's album is still delighting. On closer inspection, Trust, Loss and Forever is a new album by Peter McFinn, a Berlin-based Scottish DJ who releases his work as pete.mcm.

During the pandemic, he found several cassettes with radio recordings in his late grandfather's estate and composed several instrumental pieces based on them. What they all have in common is a restrained rhythm with quiet, accentuated guitar passages. These were refined by asking Bryden to add vocal passages to some of the songs. The result is more than impressive. Dreamy, melancholic songs that are not revolutionary but more than worth listening to.

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