Montag, 9. September 2024

Monday's Long Song


Much has already been written (including here) about Krautrock and bands that had a significant influence on this style of music. Kraftwerk, Neu! and Can are regularly mentioned, and rightly so, but too little attention is paid to a band like Faust. 

Maybe it's because Faust didn't have a distinctive song, let alone a hit, or that their sound was simply too experimental. But that's exactly why they should be mentioned or played again from time to time, because they set standards and gained international recognition with their love of experimentation. There is probably no other German band from this period that composed their own music in such a way and destroyed it again with Dadaist fury in order to rebuild it. Certainly not music that can be listened to in one go and that hurts at times, but they are one of the reasons why Sonic Youth and Tortoise were able to emerge.

Faust - It's A Rainy Day Sunshine Girl

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