Sonntag, 29. September 2024

New Song On Sunday


Over the course of the week, The Cure released a new song after 16 years to much media hype. Even when I first heard this band, I was captivated by their music, it has accompanied me over the decades and I was able to see them live several times. 

Musically, Alone relies on tried and tested fare and there seems to have been no further development of their music. Why should there be? Does it always have to be something new and better? I personally like the song, even after the second listen when I had put aside the expectation of a further development and could be pleased that Robert Smith has remained true to his roots and has transported his sound extremely well into the here and now. 

The fact that the track then runs completely against the ‘mainstream’ with almost 7 minutes and an eternally long instrumental introduction rounds off these thoughts once again. Ultimately, The Cure may still offer enough points of reference in 2024 for younger goths who want to discover what ‘gothic’ originally sounds like. A little consistency is almost refreshing, especially given the diversity that gathers under the huge musical genre umbrella.

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