Dienstag, 24. September 2024

Destination Zululand


At the beginning of the 80s, there was a very lively live scene in southern Germany. Almost every week there were concerts in various clubs by new, unknown bands that were still affordable. Dynamic pricing had not yet been invented and I was lucky enough to see many young bands. 

It was in spring 1984 when me and a friend went to see the next new and weird thing from England. King Kurt brought rockabilly back into music and they were famous for their excessive live appearance. We were not really sure what we expected but afterwards we were happy have seeing them live. As announced, we experienced a band that delivered a wild concert. Driving beats, classic guitars and a singer who danced wildly on stage. To top it all off, they threw wallpaper paste, eggs and flour around. 

Certainly not the best concert we have attended, but one of the most fun we have had.

When I was in London for the first time two years earlier, I experienced a similar concert in a small club. Tenpole Tudor were the band of the moment and in the charts with their first two singles. For a punk band, they played amazingly good riffs and had a feeling for melodies and a lot of fun on stage.

1 Kommentar:

Charity Chic hat gesagt…

A big favourite of my brother's