Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2024

Sixty Five


Today I turn 65 and another year has passed far too quickly and I reflect on everything that has happened in these years. We are getting older and that is inevitable. And transience is a theme that crops up in every genre of music, from rock n' roll to country and blues. And songs that have dealt with getting older, the past and everything in between. It's impossible to pick a favourite, especially when you consider how much choice is out there. That's why I limited myself to the songs that came to me spontaneously and that have stayed with me over the years.

7 Kommentare:

Charity Chic hat gesagt…

Happy Birthday Walter

Rol hat gesagt…

Happy birthday, Walter! Have a great day.

Swiss Adam hat gesagt…

Happy birthday Walter, hope you've had a good day

Khayem hat gesagt…

Happy birthday, Walter, I hope you had a great day and are planning to continue the festivities into the weekend (and beyond).

And what a selection! Great tunes all.

Ernie Goggins hat gesagt…


Treasurer hat gesagt…

Brilliant stuff Walter! Love your blog. Hope you had a great birthday. Funny, I am not quite at your age but not far off it. I remember hearing 'Old Man' back int he 1970s (an recall vividly thinking when Neil sang, "24 and there is so much more" that he was singing about someone who was really quite old!)

JC hat gesagt…

A belated happy birthday, Walter. I hope you had a great day celebrating....between this special birthday and your football team doing so well, it's been quite the few weeks for you!