Dienstag, 21. Mai 2024



The first time I heard about a CBGB, a club in New York was in autumn 1976 in some music newspapers. I couldn't imagine what this club was and only Patti Smith was a household name to me. Bands like Talking Heads, The Ramones or Television were no names to me because I couldn't get any records of them and there were no radio station around playing them. Everything changed a year later when the first punk movement swept over the Atlantic ocean. One of the first so called punk albums I owned was Cabretta by Mink DeVille. It was one of the initial sparks for my future taste in music. Of course Mink DeVille was everything but not punk. But the were the link of classic rock, combined with some latin ingredients and the new music. Venus Of Avenue D was a song Bruce Springsteen would be proud to have written, Cadillac Walk was classic rock with much verve and Mixed Up Shook Up Girl is a song that could be appeared on every early album by Van Morrison. Cabretta was one of those albums I played to death when I first got it and still doesn't lose it's attraction almost 50 years later.

Mink DeVille - Venus On Avenue D

Mink DeVille - Cadillac Walk

Mink DeVille - Mixed Up Shook Up Girl

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