It is made limited - today I will be 60 years old. In my younger days I couldn't imagine to get this far. But now I can look back to a lot of decades with ups and downs, good days and bad days and more great times than bad times. I am not going to celebrate this day but I will meet some friends at the pub next door to have a good time, talking and drinking a few pints. I tried to figure out some tunes with the 60 in it's title and couldn't find more than Bow Wow Wow that should be featured today. It is a song that accompanied me during the last decades and I never got rid of enjoying this song.
Bow Wow Wow - C30 C60 C90 Go!
Another song that I can't listen often enough during the last years was Underworld's Rez. A song that had a hypnotic groove and made a level for many other bands and it is hard to beat.
Underworld - Rez